Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December - and some quirky things

Well, it’s been a hectic month for both of us.

Cheryl has been flat out at Youth Challenge upgrading training materials, finding a new place for orientation programs and hopefully a new office location - AND getting ready for the 45 challengers who arrive next week. We had one of the group leaders stay with us for a few days recently. Johnny is a great bloke with a lovely sense of humour and considerable talent. Hearing him speak Bislama with that thick Scottish brogue makes me wonder how on earth the villagers on Tanna will cope!

I’ve all but wrapped up at Malapoa for the year and yesterday ran the last 2 day workshop for the year of my TVET project. This one was to train the Ni-Van writers in MSWord, to complete a peer review of the curriculum they have written and to plan the contents of their teaching-learning and assessment booklets. This project will continue next year –just to give me something to do.

And amidst all this we manage to get to the beach / a local resort pool / have dinner with friends / have a BBQ / visit an island etc.

One of the downsides of being part of the volunteer community here is that we regularly have to farewell people we have become close to. Recently we saw Don and Carol off back to Perth. Don had spent 12 months working on a project to extend primary schools on some of the islands –building extra classes, upgrading resources etc. They are a lovely couple and we will miss them.

We’re really looking forward to having Mike and Bec arrive for Christmas. Having some family here will be lovely. Hopefully the weather will continue to be reasonably mild for them. So far we’ve had very few really hot days –though the humidity is getting up into the 90%s regularly.

The pictures on this blog entry are a collation of just SOME of the quirky – interesting – funny things we’ve noted about Vanuatu. Click on a collage to enlarge it!


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