Snorkelling in the harbour --WOW!!
Just had a ball out snorkeling off Ifira and Iririki Islands. (a paid jaunt -but now we know the spots and the technique, we can reach them by land no problem -wiff me new truk!) We got on board a "glass bottom” boat (-actually a normal flat bottom with a couple of viewing panels) and cruised out about 20 minutes from the wharf but still "in" the harbour and near to Ifira Island, an all Ni-Van island and the larger of the 2 islands in the harbour. The Captain anchored there and First Mate tossed a few stale bread rolls into the water -whoosh! gone each time.
Chez and I donned our snorkels and flippers and splashed in off the boat. The First Mate then tossed us a couple of bread rolls which we held in front of us --to be besieged by masses of fish! All sizes from a few cm to over a foot in length. All colours. Black & Whites, yellow striped, azure blue, purple, green, name it we saw it. But they stayed a respectable distance away. We had to release the bread before they'd approach.
Then, all of a sudden, a school of smaller (10cm) black coloured fish approached and got really game. Swimming all around, bumping into us, nibbling at the bread in our hand, nibbling on Cheryl's hair (thought it was seaweed I suppose). So here we are, absolutely surrounded by all sizes, shapes and colours of fish. A-Ma-zing.
Captain then called us in and said we'd move to a less windy spot. -Just off the back of the smaller Iririki (Resort) Island. And again, a few seconds after we hit the water, we're totally surrounded. And some also thought Cheryl's finger would make a tasty treat! (but then I've always known she's a tasty dish!). The Barrier Reef may have prettier coral, but the fish are more friendly (or maybe that’s assertive!) here in Vanuatu!!
Just WOW!
Our next purchase will be an instamatic underwater camera!
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