Sunday, July 02, 2006

So many people to thank

They say parting is such sweet sorrow - an enigmatic mixture of excitement and sadness. We have some wonderful people to thank for organising some great events to say farewell to us.

Gerri and Geoff kicked off the goodbyes just as Australia was ready to play in the World Cup. They are soccer crazy in that household, with mixed loyalties to Australia and Holland, it was green and gold with a touch of orange! It was nice to catch up with others from Business SWAP and the lunch, conversation, wine and company was animated and fun. Thanks Gerri and Geoff.

$quid$ did it in style at the Gosford Sailing Club with a fabulous meal to celebrate the property settlement at Umina, Pat's birthday and our departure to Vanuatu. We are blaming Kas for us ending up in Vanuatu - she found our block of land over there and put the Universe on notice that someone would have to go over and keep an eye on the development, the prices and the the cost of building! We are wondering what the Universe has up it's sleeve for while we are there...maybe there is a house or some villas to be built...Geoff would love a place overlooking the golf course, Jen would revel in the Port Vila races..and we would all benefit from a 'spa' lifestyle! Watch this space.

The crew at WorkCover sent Cheryl off with a feast of home-made delights and some Aussie mementos that will come in very handy. An Aussie slang dictionary, definetly a 'must have' for any overseas traveller was the highlight of the afternoon. Thanks everyone at the IRG Branch - I'll think of you whenever I have to convene a meeting in the future! Drop a line or post a comment!

Of course the picnic at Nurragingy (already posted in the blog below) was great fun with the gang from Sydney and Wollongong.

And to cap it all off............What a party! Saturday night was a total hoot. Everyone dressed in costume for the Christmas in July. And it seems when we're dressed in costume then we all lose some of the inhibitions and really get into party mode. There were Santas, Mrs Clauses, elves of all shapes and sizes, living presents, angels of the both the black and white variety, St Nick, a christmas tree, and of course, the angel to top the tree. Rudolph was there, the wise men were represented by one wise man and the Christmas faggot, Pudding 1 and Pudding 2 (see the pic!) brought the pudding, and- to remind us all of reality - we had a post Christmas Debt! The food (as always) spectacularly highlighted our cullinary expertise, the wine flowed, and the music pounded. We danced, talked, laughed and had such a great time.

As well as a "Christmas in July" night, it was also a farewell get together. So there were a few farewell moments during dinner. Thank you Bridget, you spoke so kindly and eloquently of us, we love you dearly. John and Maureen did likewise for Katie and Gordon (moving to Mexico in 2 weeks). Others too bestowed their best wishes. Thank you so very much Geoff and Gillian. You are indeed the epitome of genial hosts and did so much to make it a successful night.

We are indeed blessed to have such wonderful friends and we will miss you all ---but only until, of course, you come to visit us in Vanuatu.

Over the weekend we also moved Mike and Bec out of their city apartment into our place. I'd almost forgotten what pain moving can bring! It is almost a case of 2 houses into one just won't go!! But, with the appropriate stacking of boxes, hiding stuff in the roof, dismantling of furniture, and trips to Vinnies / the Salvos, it will all work out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok so it is now 18 July and we have heard nothing - nada - zilch.

Where are you?

Hope the wine is fine and the beach is warm?

Awaiting your next update and it had better be good


9:49 pm  

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