Monday, June 05, 2006

Updating now that May has finished and June has begun!

Oh boy! Where do the days go - we have started counting down the 'sleeps' and now that June has begun we are well into the 30's. Only 31 more sleeps to go!

It is difficult to pack up a house and at the same time keep it liveable for a while. The obvious things to pack are the ornaments and pictures and 'uneccessary' items - and yet, they are the things that make a home a home in some sense and the house looks really bare if they are not on display. It is a little like the post Christmas taking down of the Christmas decorations - for a week or two the house looks quite minimal after all the glitz of the festive season.

It appears our blood, poo, wee and other items are 'up to scratch' - the medics have not advised us of any untoward results. Mammograms are interesting tests to undergo and whilst I would never say 'don't have one' I reckon the quicker they are done and over with, the better! Ron survived well - Cheryl was bruised and knocked about by the vaccines.

Shopping to go has been fun. We have a new transistor radio (in case of cyclones that will knock out the power for days) and a lovely new suitcase big enough to fit a couple of bodies in (thanks Mum!). Our feet have been kitted out with 'Crocs' and 'Ecco's' and we have taken full advantage of the stores selling off their summer clothing stock.

Cheryl has put the finishing touches on her last project for Advantage Management and is winding up her coaching work, arranging for handover to other local coaches for her clients. Her work at WorkCover has been earmarked for someone else and she is in 'handover' mode already.

Ron delivered the first of a series of wine seminars to staff at the Crowne Plaza at Terrigal this week. There will be a few more before we go. He has now finished his wine course and is a fully accredited 'Somellier' (when they confirm he has passed all the assessments!).

And so our preparations go on! The garage is a MESS - empty and half full boxes everywhere. A pile for taking now, a pile for sending over later, a pile for 'Vinnies', a pile for the tip....and a pile of empty wine bottles - stress management in a bottle!


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